Bough to bough the warbler flies…

Száll a madár ágról-ágra…

Sunday 4th September 3pm

Free Music and Language Workshop

Room: Pianodrome Ampitheatre

“Bough to bough the warbler flies…” - begins the Hungarian epic poem about a wondrous hunt for a deer, the legend of how Hungarians found their homeland. If you were always wondering what kind of magical things can happen with a hawthorn bush on an autumn night, who Zoltán Kodály and Béla Bartók were and why one of the king's eyes always weeping while the other is always smiling, then come and explore with us! This is an interactive workshop for families with children aged between 3-10 years offering a taste of Hungarian music through singing, listening to music, playing, dancing and storytelling. All children need to be accompanied by an adult.

The workshop is led by Pam Turley, musician and music teacher and Noemi Berger, organizer of the Hungarian School and Cultural Association (Hétmérföldes Játszóház és Tanoda).

Any further Questions please email: